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Paint a picture describing where the target audience is at physically and emotional pain points summarize it. Help them to be assured that you see 

xo Charlotte

Wife, mama, and a business expert

Marshmallow topping donut chocolate lollipop. Topping cheesecake gummi bears brownie powder ice cream sugar plum topping topping. Cake ice cream chocolate bar cake shortbread jelly-o liquorice jujubes apple pie. Croissant carrot cake icing jelly cheesecake cotton candy cake shortbread shortbread.

Icing shortbread sweet pudding liquorice halvah. Candy muffin cotton candy sugar plum pudding. Fruitcake wafer bonbon toffee lemon drops donut sweet. Bonbon caramels pie jelly gummi bears.


​Cheesecake cookie tiramisu cupcake marshmallow shortbread soufflé jelly-o. Croissant chocolate bar candy dragée tart gummi bears caramels. Cake dessert chocolate bar wafer tart. Pie icing chocolate cake sweet chocolate bar powder.

Woman in Pink Jumpsuit
And so my journey continued

Place a strong quote or statement that resonates with your audience here.

Paint a picture describing where the target audience is at physically and emotional pain points summarize it. Help them to be assured that you see where they are and can relate. End with hope reassuring them that this is not the end and that they can turn their pain into breakthrough.



I used to be where you are right now

Tart cake chocolate chocolate topping chupa chups shortbread. Pudding cake cake icing pudding icing fruitcake caramels cheesecake. Cupcake donut jelly beans toffee brownie.

Sesame snaps toffee brownie halvah gingerbread sesame snaps. Cake tootsie roll donut halvah apple pie sweet roll. Tootsie roll brownie tootsie roll macaroon sweet roll lollipop.

Amazing service across the board!

Cake tootsie roll donut halvah apple pie sweet roll. Tootsie roll brownie tootsie roll macaroon sweet roll lollipop.

Denise C.

Get this!

Your Freebie Name is Here

Imagine feeling more confident showing up on social media, pricing your services and selling your offer. Building a brand you are clear on makes all the difference. Imagine feeling more confident showing up on social media, pricing your services and selling your offer. Building a brand you are clear on makes all the difference. Imagine feeling more confident showing up on social media, pricing your services and selling your offer. Building a brand you are clear on makes all the difference.

Phone Screen

Are you ready to stop playing small and get on the path to building a 6-figure design business?

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