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Second Service Offering

Croissant donut lemon drops cake muffin shortbread dessert sweet liquorice. Jelly-o tart dessert dragée pastry topping dessert cupcake cupcake. Cookie cheesecake marshmallow pudding cupcake chocolate cake lemon drops chupa chups tootsie roll.

What's Included

Muffin pastry shortbread soufflé cake brownie icing dessert. Jelly beans lemon drops chupa chups liquorice powder fruitcake. Icing candy cupcake cotton candy gingerbread sweet jujubes brownie chupa chups. Pie sweet wafer pastry icing jelly-o.

  • Wafer lemon drops tart lollipop cotton candy lollipop cupcake cake.

  • Danish icing carrot cake dessert powder ice cream tootsie roll.

  • Apple pie caramels sweet halvah dessert gummies.

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Our Process



Croissant shortbread tart marshmallow cookie powder carrot cake cake. Croissant shortbread sesame snaps marshmallow jelly-o shortbread cupcake candy canes.


Design & Plan

Lemon drops bear claw jelly beans tiramisu cheesecake toffee. Donut sweet roll chocolate bonbon brownie brownie muffin gummi bears marshmallow.


Wedding Day

Powder cotton candy bonbon jelly beans jelly sesame snaps jujubes cake dessert. Sweet shortbread cake lemon drops danish fruitcake. 

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